Wednesday 29 June 2011


Symbol is something that representing something else, but the meaning of symbol is determined by the person itself. All symbol in this world are created for their particular purposes. Any words can be a symbol such as "pain", "glass", "divorce" and etc..For other words character which are not in alphabet and numbers,like %, $ and ?, these are also symbol too.
male and female symbol: can be symbolize the relationship between male and female.

Indices point out and show the subjects that lead to their true meaning. Basically indices are divided into three: track,symptoms and designations. Footprint left by bigfoot are track, body odor of a fat man is a track. Symptoms are directly related to their object. Weight loss is a symptoms of HIV/AIDS, thunder is a symptoms of rainstorm. Designations are straight to their object's meaning, example like laptop is a name of laptop and all the word "this" are all designations.

human footprints indicates someone walking by before.

Icons are something that have similar features or the structure of the objects. There are three subcategories of icons according to Peirce: image, metaphor and diagram. Classical treasure painting such as Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and the Scream by Edvard Munch are beautiful icons that ever created.
the scream is a big icon in popular culture.

Text and Media

Define text in the context of semiotics

Text is actually characters or words which able to combine together and become a kind of language. Text can be in verbal form, example, someone talking, a record of an audio or a record of a video with people talking. Text also can be non verbal, such as words and typography on an image. Text can also be the combination of both. Text is usually carried with a certain meaning. Either it is just a character or a few characters, it still carry a meaning or a sign. Semiotic is the study of sign which also include analysis of texts. Texts are always containing signs in it. For example, “chicken”. This text is a signifier; it will signified image of a chicken, chicken little or KFC. Text can be said as a combination of multiple signs. Like bold text has different sign, red color text has different sign, image to compose out a text has different sign, text that spoke by a person with gesture has another different sign. All these text examples can be combined which create another kind of text that carried another sign. We often see text in any kind of mediums which carried a sign, such as movie, poster, banner and etc.

Define media in the context of semiotics

“The medium is the message” by Marshall McLuhan. Media is something that with messages and could be deliver to the other people. Text is also a kind of media, so media is definitely related to signs or to semiotics. A medium or media could work successfully to deliver a message is because of the signs. We could see a lot of signs in a media. An image with two hands shaking together, it is a sign of friendship, or could be a sign of agreement. When a people saw a media, in order to understand it, people will start to interpret the message or the sign. This is a process of decoding. Signs can be seen in any of the media, we are often influence by the media because of the sign. The media tell us a message by using a sign. A sign that give meaning to the particular media and then interpret by us. Basically, signs take the form of image, text, words, sounds and objects. All these forms are actually media.

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Roti Bomb Boom Group Members

Subject: MLS 2113 Semiotic Studies




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Lau Chong Siong


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Shum E Wyn



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