Wednesday 29 June 2011


Symbol is something that representing something else, but the meaning of symbol is determined by the person itself. All symbol in this world are created for their particular purposes. Any words can be a symbol such as "pain", "glass", "divorce" and etc..For other words character which are not in alphabet and numbers,like %, $ and ?, these are also symbol too.
male and female symbol: can be symbolize the relationship between male and female.

Indices point out and show the subjects that lead to their true meaning. Basically indices are divided into three: track,symptoms and designations. Footprint left by bigfoot are track, body odor of a fat man is a track. Symptoms are directly related to their object. Weight loss is a symptoms of HIV/AIDS, thunder is a symptoms of rainstorm. Designations are straight to their object's meaning, example like laptop is a name of laptop and all the word "this" are all designations.

human footprints indicates someone walking by before.

Icons are something that have similar features or the structure of the objects. There are three subcategories of icons according to Peirce: image, metaphor and diagram. Classical treasure painting such as Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and the Scream by Edvard Munch are beautiful icons that ever created.
the scream is a big icon in popular culture.


  1. From what i get is symbol is a sign that has a meaning in it and also represent something else like toilet symbol that's always have two symbol on it 1 is male symbol and 1 is female symbol, this represent that there are two toilet and 1 for male and another for woman. But sometime different country have different meaning of the same symbol we having in malaysia...

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  3. In my opinion,
    symbol,index and icon are three different things that have their own function.

    Symbol represents a thing; Index give further information or explanation about the subject matter; Icon simplify complicated things into one.

  4. Frankly, i understand these through keywords.
    These keywords from my understanding:

    1. Symbol(anything that link us to something) is interpreted by the person itself for particular purposes.

    2. Indices are divided into three parts:
    - track >> things that we are able to sense.
    - symptoms >> let us directly think about the subject as well as the object.
    - designations >> straight to specific object's meaning.

    3a. Icons : Something that have similar features or the structure of the objects.
    3b. 3 subcategories (by Peirce):
    - image >>a physically same representation.
    - metaphor >>figure of speech (conveys intangible idea)
    - diagram >>2D symbolic representation(visualization)


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  6. symbols involves signifier & signified. For example, the signifier is male and female symbol
    & the signified is the relationship between male and female.

    icon is something that has recognizable feature or structure . For example, a picture of a famous people .

    index relates the sign & the object. It's like telling a story/message . example, road signs.

    No matter symbol, icon or index, people interpret them based on
    their memory or experience with the visual.

    So, people with different culture will interpret different meanings as
    culture plays a big role in symbol, icon or index.

  7. Icon is originally called "likeness" by Peirce. Icons have some similarities to the object they represent and it resembles something. For example, a picture of a dog is an icon of the dog.

    And for index, which actually means indication. It indicate to something else. Like a cloudy weather is indicate that it is going to rain. A smoke coming out from a house indicate that the house is on fire.

    For symbols, they are totally arbitrary. The interpretation is all based on the reader's experience. Like the symbol of $ is a symbol of money.

  8. Agree with the author.. Symbols, Icons and Index all three brings different meanings. It also depends on the opinion of the viewer to determine the meaning of it.
