Wednesday 29 June 2011

Text and Media

Define text in the context of semiotics

Text is actually characters or words which able to combine together and become a kind of language. Text can be in verbal form, example, someone talking, a record of an audio or a record of a video with people talking. Text also can be non verbal, such as words and typography on an image. Text can also be the combination of both. Text is usually carried with a certain meaning. Either it is just a character or a few characters, it still carry a meaning or a sign. Semiotic is the study of sign which also include analysis of texts. Texts are always containing signs in it. For example, “chicken”. This text is a signifier; it will signified image of a chicken, chicken little or KFC. Text can be said as a combination of multiple signs. Like bold text has different sign, red color text has different sign, image to compose out a text has different sign, text that spoke by a person with gesture has another different sign. All these text examples can be combined which create another kind of text that carried another sign. We often see text in any kind of mediums which carried a sign, such as movie, poster, banner and etc.

Define media in the context of semiotics

“The medium is the message” by Marshall McLuhan. Media is something that with messages and could be deliver to the other people. Text is also a kind of media, so media is definitely related to signs or to semiotics. A medium or media could work successfully to deliver a message is because of the signs. We could see a lot of signs in a media. An image with two hands shaking together, it is a sign of friendship, or could be a sign of agreement. When a people saw a media, in order to understand it, people will start to interpret the message or the sign. This is a process of decoding. Signs can be seen in any of the media, we are often influence by the media because of the sign. The media tell us a message by using a sign. A sign that give meaning to the particular media and then interpret by us. Basically, signs take the form of image, text, words, sounds and objects. All these forms are actually media.

Both refered to:


  1. Yes....text are always contain several meaning and sign in it.... for example M its just a simple text but it will signified a image of McDonald...

    Yeayea~~ media can deliver a certain message like KC jz mention (A medium or media could work successfully to deliver a message is because of the signs) yea is because of sign. Like an image showing a black lung or a black heart and a pack of cigarette beside, it is sign of stop smoking if not you will get this lung or heart....

  2. Based on my understanding of text in the context of semiotics, text is a form that we always use it to communicate and
    express our feeling.
    It can be in many forms as long as it conveys meaning/message. For instances, it can be in verbal, non verbal or both forms.
    Different types of text make different languages.
    Some languages is understood by some people; but it also unknown by some people.
    In my opinion, some pronunciations in verbal form maybe can be understood differently depending on the language used for particular
    person. For example, the word 'CHE' give the meaning of "enlarge by effort" ; but in Chinese, it is pronunciation of a "car".
    That sounds interesting (=

    For me, anything that brings meaning and intended to be deliver to audience is media. As long as it delivers a message, it is media.
    If we relate it to signs or to semiotics, text is definitely one of the media.
    Everyone will interpret the message or the sign within media indirectly based on our own experiences and thinking.
    I agree that sign gives meaning to the particular media and then interpret by us.
    Which mean all forms that bring message are actually media.

  3. Text is a communication skill or technique. It is often used to express feeling,send messages,ideas,concepts,experiences and so on. Without text, it is hard for humans to communicate well because text guides people. In the concept of semiotic, sometimes, a boring text could have a meaningful moral value or a beautiful and touching story behind.

    If text is a skill of communication, then media represents the tool of communication. Media is a good way to speak out people's thinking. A boring dialogue might not be understood by the audience without the help of movie or drama.

  4. Text is the combination of words which then forms language.
    The purpose of this combination is for communication .

    Every text brings a different meaning. An addition or subtraction
    of one text or more could change the whole meaning of the text.

    With signs, text can be manipulate to show different meanings or messages


    Media is a message which is related to signs or semiotics.
    It contains information & people use medium to communicate
    them . For example, text, images, audio.

    Media affects the way people think & behave at the end of the day.
    It teach the audiences semiotics.

    When the audience understand it, they are able to interpret
    messages or signs.

  5. Based on my opinion, text is something which is formed together to translate a meaning to the audience. Every text has a meaning and when combined together generates a word, will then be convey into a opinion/meaning.

    Media is something that interacts with the audience. We know media as the main influence to our opinion / conclusion or even attitude. Most of us think based on what the media shows instead of reconsidering.

  6. the definition of text in terms of semiotics for me is a communication tool for human to interact with each other. Texts are not just only text, it can be verbal and non-verbal. Every sms we sent have a sign, sign of confess, sign of greeting, sign of inviting and etc. Media in the context of semiotic is a message that get to people everyday. As Kc stated above, as people interpret a message, there will be many outcomes. A simple print ads could be a sign, therefore, media is a medium to deliver signs.
