Monday 25 July 2011

week 4: Semiotic systems in design/advertising/multimedia have effect on human behavior.

Myth is concept to us that we believe .
It only works if we understand myth based on our own experience.

Metaphor is part of myth.

Myth throughout the world are diff.
So different cultures will have different myth.
It help us to make sense of our experiences within a culture .

for example:

The Malboro cowboy advertisement. Many people think that if they smoke Malboro, they will
look cool like the man in the advertisement.

So, to those who thinks smoking is cool, it is only a myth.


Connotations is another meaning carried by words. Connotations can made up of different words but it's meaning is the same.

There's positive & negative connotations .
The words used have emotional and imaginative impact.
It is influence by culture & society. Some words maybe discriminating and some not.
One must understand the meaning & message behind the word in order for it to work.

for example:
Advertisements that involves people of two different races. People with different understanding towards connotation will have different reaction towards the advertisement.

So, people with different culture & believes will experience different meanings in connotations & myth. That is why, some connotations & myth are offending in certain cultures while some are not.


  1. Yes, I agree that the use of connotations and myth in advertisement do affect the thinking of the society. We often see advertisement which make use of the myth in order to convince the audience to buy the product. Like the above example, Malboro advertisement, they often use cowboy myth to advertise the product. Which make people think that smoking will make them looks like cowboy and looks cool. And this myth actually slowly turn into nature thinking of the society.

    Connotations is also often use in the multimedia and it affect us. It is another meaning carried by the words. Like "rose", it means rose(the flower) but it can be connote to the meaning of passion. Connotation can be either positive or negative, and it is based on one culture and experience. Barthes say that the connotations is actually a production of myth. And in fact, connotations and myth are actually affecting us and occur everyday without our presence. It happened so frequently to us and it had become something natural.

  2. In my opinion, the use of connotations and myth in advertisement are great ways to attract audience or customer.
    However, some advertisements overuse the it. For instance, some commercialised advertisement are not suitable for older generation.

    Connotation is the abstract meaning carried by the words in both positive and negative.
    It can give EMOtional and IMAGINative impact.
    This is the knowledge that we know it from the society itself. For an example, even children know that snake connote to evil or dangerous.

    In nutshell, people from all around the world will experience different ABSTRACT meanings in connotations & myth. So the designers should always do the RIGHT designs, not do the design right!

  3. Everybody knows vampires and demons is a myth, they do not appear in this world so far. and there are no true evidence to examine this topic. But people often mention them in real life. Vampires and demons are symbol of evil. When somebody said you're a demon, means that you're bad or evil. As for connotation, many ads have connotation within. People will easily get misunderstanding from the ads. If one ads have some sensitive issues in it that are not know by some place, then someone go and publish the ads at there, a huge possibility that a protest or opposition will occured.
