Wednesday 27 July 2011

Semiotics and Reading Film.

by James Cameron

Reading Characters and The Stereotype of they represent.
- Rose DeWitt Bukater, was a noble character in the film. She had engaged to Cal Hockley. Jack Dawson, is a low-class drifter and drawer, as a third class passenger in Titanic which lower then Rose three level.

- Jack Dawson, born in a poor family and he was a talented artist, one of his specialties was drawing nude portraits. Rose DeWitt Bukater, a wealthy ladies raise in a luxury environment.

- Jack Dawson a good man raise in a poor family. Jack successfully stop Rose commit suicide. The two of them fall in love after he stop Rose for committing suicide. Why Jack Dawson is a good man? He willing to sacrifice himself to save Rose and he die of hypothermia.

Later in the film, Jack sketches a nude portraits of Rose wearing a fabled "Heart Of the Ocean" an necklace given by Cal Hockley. Two of them run to the ship cargo hold where they make love and witness the ship crush the iceberg. Cal know about the two of them by discovering the drawing, he had Jack arrested and handcuffed to a pipe. When the ship sinking Rose free Jack.

Backup statement with evidence.
Rose was engaged to Cal, but Rose does not love cal, she is being forced to marry him by who mother who is obsessed maintaining her social status. After Rose father death, Rose and her mother left nothing and Rose try to commit suicide because of tiring the lifestyle she leads. The evidence here tell that true love can not be force, true love have to be cultivate.


  1. Let us discuss about the stereotype that the characters represent.

    For example, Jack Dawson. He is an artist and he is poor. This is actually a kind of stereotype. Is "artists are poor" this kind of stereotype shapes by the media or the history evidence that form this stereotype? This stereotype might be true and might be false. People often think that artist can't make a living, artist life is suffer, they are poor. And in this film, Jack is an poor artist. He represent the stereotype of poor artist.

    Rose is a female character from noble class. She represent the stereotype of the daughter from rich family. Daughter from rich family often will face the problem of arranged marriage and they are force to married to the guy that they don't like. We could see this kind of story line in a lot of movie. This actually create a stereotype that daughter from rich family will always force to marry to another guy they don't like. The way she wear, the costume also represent the noble class. How a noble class wear is also a kind of stereotype that shaped by the media.

  2. Jack Dawson was a third class man who was in love with Rose Dewitt Bukater which was a first class man. This "princess and the frog" love has give audience a new type of feeling. Jack a poor talented artist and a young rich lady, Rose wont be successful. That's a stereotype thought that everyone will have in their mind.

  3. Like mentioned above, there are stereotypes about artist being poor and non-marketable in the current economy. In most parent's eye, artists is not a professional job but more of a hobby. But what may be true about an artist is when an artist dies, his WORK OF ART becomes a SYMBOL. A SYMBOL to the world, in simple words, FAMOUS. Another stereotype about noble class looking down on poor citizens. They generally think that poor people labor for others and are uneducated, not realizing that such attitude of judgement is no different from an uneducated person.

  4. Jack Dawson & Rose Dewitt were 2 citizens with different class. With the stereotypes of a poor man, Jack is just a tiny fly to Rose's parents.

    We can see the difference of rich & poor stereotypes in this movie.

    for example,
    the environment of the ball room & the place where jack & rose dance. We can see that the people & environment is much more merrier . This also indicates that rich & poor group of people don't associate together in the ship.

    The way people dress, body language , way they speak, the room they stay all have symbol & myth.

  5. Yes, I agree on these comments.
    In the story, people are categorized in many classes for their status.
    First class, second class and even third class people are introduced in the story.
    Jack Dawson(a poor artist) was in love with Rose who was born with silver spoon. In my point of view, it's difficult for them to be together.
    Drawer is always linked to poor people, we often think that drawer cannot make money and they are the lowest class in society. It's because of the stereotypes from media.
    In short, poor and rich stereotypes can be clearly shown in Titanic.
